KO-ED KOS Workshop – Introduction to Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) by Aida Slavic (online)


18:30 - 20:00

Evenement type

The workshop provides an introduction to UDC system, its nature, and its application in subject indexing. The focus of the workshop is on explaining the UDC’s analytico-synthetic and faceted principles, and the ways this is applied in subject indexing and knowledge organization. Practical application of UDC and guided exercises will be an important element of this workshop and participants will be asked to allocate time for completing tasks in between online sessions.

25 Nov 2021 – The nature of UDC, its structure, application and tools
02 Dec 2021 – How to use UDC? Subject analysis and content indexing using UDC
09 Dec 2021 – UDC application for complex, interdisciplinary subjects, textual and multimedia resources

More information.
