Critical Appraisal of Cohort Studies (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

Critical appraisal has become an absolutely crucial health science librarian skill. In this webinar, you’ll learn from Amy Blevins and Laura Menard, two of MLAs resident critical appraisal experts, how to identify, appraise, and interpret cohort studies–one of the most common study types health sciences librarians encounter and an important source of safety and efficacy information. In the process, you’ll learn basic tenets of evidence-based practice and skills you can apply to evaluating other study types.

Amy and Laura will take you through a recent retrospective cohort study that examines the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in a large group of adolescents. They’ll show you how to evaluate study methodology, interpret results and their real-world implications, and determine if a study supports causal claims. You’ll also learn the differences between and the strengths and weaknesses of retrospective and prospective cohort studies.

You’ll leave with valuable new skills and a toolkit you can use to assess the methodology of any retrospective cohort study. If you work with clinicians, you’ll be able to provide high-quality information on the fly. If you teach, you’ll have a new skill to teach and you’ll be able to deepen your participation in a health sciences curriculum in your institution.

More information.
