Evidence Synthesis & Meta-Analysis in R Conference (21+22 Jan 2021 – still available online)



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The Evidence Synthesis Hackathon’s online Evidence Synthesis & Meta-Analysis in R Conference (#ESMARConf) was held on January 21st and 22nd 2021. Although the event is over, the conference hasn’t ended! All of the individual talks, panel discussions, workshops and livestreams are available for free on the ESMARConf2021 YouTube Channel. ESMARConf includes an exciting programme of talks, workshops, and interactive sessions that address the following:

  • Presentations of packages designed to assist reviewers across evidence synthesis stages, from planning to communication
  • Demonstrations integrating evidence synthesis packages into an interoperable pipeline in R
  • Novel applications of R packages in an evidence synthesis context
  • Automating evidence synthesis in R
  • Assisting novices to R in performing evidence syntheses with the aid of graphical user interfaces.

More information.
