Finding Your Competitive Hedge: Evaluating and Adapting Search Hedges (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

If you search, you probably look for ways to search more efficiently and may turn to search hedges as a way to save time. But there are sometimes inherent problems with using hedges as is.

The instructors of the popular MLA searching course Essential Searching Skills for Librarians on Systematic Review Teams are your guides to responsibly using search hedges. You’ll get a summary of the purpose and history of hedges, understand what goes into validating a hedge, examples of hedges, and overviews of well-known repositories and publications containing established search hedges.

You’ll learn the benefits of using established hedges, such as collaborating with others in building trending and important concepts, harvesting related terminology, and addressing challenges, such as recency, recall, and revisions. And, most importantly, you’ll learn when to use, cite, and adapt pre-made hedges. The webinar builds on Hedging Your Bets: An Introductory Webinar on Locating and Using Search Hedges.

You’ll leave with skills in finding, adapting, and using hedges with confidence that your hedges are saving you time while working for you and your research teams.

More information.
