How to Build an HTA Dossier (online)

In most countries, healthcare decision making is informed by the systematic use of evidence. Health technology assessment (HTA) is the standard policy tool for informing decision makers who must manage the entry and use of pharmaceuticals and other technologies (including complex interventions) within health systems, often through reimbursement and pricing.

The evidence put forward in an HTA dossier, at a minimum, must contain a systematic review of available safety, efficacy and quality of life evidence in the given disease area and, particularly for the UK, a cost-effectiveness analysis.

In this full day course, we take the UK NICE perspective to guide you through the process of building a successful HTA dossier. We will consider who the likely stakeholders will be, the different types of HTA available, the key stages in the HTA process and alternative appraisal routes (e.g. for devices).

This course will provide detailed advice on how best to report the data and analyses that are required for an HTA. This will include sharing recent examples covering several disease areas. The course will also explore the appropriate language and terminology that should be used.

We will also discuss some recent initiatives that have been put forward to comprehensively synthesise good practices in population-based decision-making in recent years, such as those from the ISPOR HTA taskforce, and how these may impact HTA dossier development in the future.

More information.
