Ian Ruthven – Google’s what you use when Alexa doesn’t know the answer, Uncle Ian [7th Tony Kent Strix Annual Memorial Lecture 2021] (online)


14:00 - 16:30

Evenement type

The  7th Tony Kent Strix Annual Memorial Lecture 2021 will be delivered by the 2020 Strix Award winner Ian Ruthven, Professor of Information Seeking and Retrieval at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde.

The Award was presented to Professor Ruthven late last year in recognition of his outstanding practical innovation and achievements in the field of information retrieval.

Professor Ruthven’s lecture is entitled: 

Google’s what you use when Alexa doesn’t know the answer, Uncle Ian

Abstract: Search is now a pervasive online activity. The ability to successfully interact with the information tools we have available to us is a key life skill, one that forms part of what is often seen as essential information literacy. However, even though we may not be able to imagine everyday life without these tools, they are a staggeringly recent phenomenon. Key to their success has been the interfaces and interaction models that underpin these information tools. Interactive search has been the site of rich study and experimentation and this research has taught us much about how we work with information and how information systems can support our interactions with information. In this presentation, I shall look at some of the history of interactive searching, discuss why some of the tools we use now are more successful than others, and look forward to how we might be interacting with information in the future.

The afternoon will open with a presentation from  Thomas D. Wilson (Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield, UK and the winner of the 2020 Jason Farradane Award) His talk is entitled: 

Managing information to serve the information user

Professor Wilson will address two key elements of his research to date: the essential link and convergence between information management and information behaviour. He asks the fundamental question: how can we manage information effectively if we don’t know how people seek and use information? 

More information.
