Systematic Review Protocols: Collaborating to Develop the Foundation of a Review (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

A quality systematic review begins with a solid protocol–the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of a review. The work of a librarian on a systematic review team begins with collaborating on developing this foundation.

In this webinar, you’ll learn why a good protocol is essential to a high-quality systematic review and how you can engage and collaborate with systematic review teams to develop a protocol.

You’ll be introduced to the elements of a protocol, frameworks for developing protocols, options for registering and publishing protocols, and strategies for effectively collaborating with research teams throughout the protocol development process.

If you are new to doing reviews, this webinar offers essential knowledge about protocols and guidance in working with teams to ensure the librarian role is clear and recognized.

If you have experience working on review teams, this webinar will help you develop skills in effectively collaborating with research teams on developing protocols.

More information.
