Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the foundation of clinical decisions made by health care professionals and a foundational area of practice and knowledge for health sciences librarians. If you teach, search, or provide reference services in the fields of medicine, nursing, or allied health, you’ll want a solid grounding in this essential area.

Sarah Cantrell and Steph Hendren, experienced EBP instructors, will introduce you to the principles and processes of EBP. You’ll learn the steps of the EBP process and the basic principles of critically appraising clinical medicine studies. You’ll be able to identify core study designs used in clinical medicine, apply a standard framework to develop focused clinical questions, and identify resources to answer background and foreground questions for researchers and other library patrons.

You will leave with a deeper understanding of the evidence-based practice process, new EBP skills, and ready to continue your EBP learning with deep-dive learning on EBP searching and critical appraisal.

More information.
